

MaxLife Batteries offers complete range of Automotive & Marine batteries for a multitude of applications. Our Products are suitable for PSV, LCV, SUV, HCV and Marine Applications. We manufacture complete range of Dry Charged (DC) and  Calcium Sealed Maintenance Free (SMF) Batteries for all Japanese & European vehicles. All Batteries are manufactured as per Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS).

MaxLife is our Promise. We endeavor to provide Maximum Service Life no matter how Extreme the Condition for all our customers worldwide.

ATLASBX batteries are manufactured by Hankook & Company Co., Ltd., #1 in Korea and designed to provide satisfactory power and battery life for a wide range of vehicles.


These batteries are made from calcium- lead alloy corrosion – resistant grids, to maximize corrosion resistance , increase service life and reduce water consumption for battery durability. ATLASBX SMF Batteries are specially designed and sealed casing to resist shorts and active material shedding, minimising self- discharge and gassing while also prolonging shelf life of the battery. Available for Cars, LCV, HCV, Marine for Japanese, European, Korean and American Applications.


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