Mining and Construction


All the products consumed by mankind are reproduction of the earth resources. Our daily living depends on these resources which are used to create energy, roads, highways, bridges and the communities we live in. Mines are usually located in the far away from cities and townships where most people live, more so in deserts, offshore locations, mountainous regions and even over a 1000 meters below ground level. The machines, equipment’s and components used to obtain these resources work continuously throughout the year. Mining requires breaking or rocks, create of roads includes crushing of rocks and conveying the same. Similarly the construction industry required specialized machines to build our houses, roads, schools, hospitals, sewage systems, fresh water supplies etc. All these require specialized equipment’s and machinery such as drillers, excavators, cranes, movers and others.All these equipment’s need to be reliable and long lasting to give efficient productivity with least amount of b
reak downs. The operating environments for bearings in the mining and construction industries can be extremely severe. One or more of the following can arise:

  • Heavy loads combined with jerk loads
  • Light loads with high speed rotation
  • Heavy loads with low speed rotation
  • Heavy loads with high speed rotation

These equipment’s and machineries require bearings that can withstand these severe operating conditions. The bearings need to be long lasting and reliable at the same time keep costs in check. DPI is able to supply its customers with bearings that offer both long life and high reliability together with lower maintenance cost.

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